1241. The pornography of poverty : a cautionary fundraising tale / Bette Plewes and Rieky Stuart -- An imperfect process : funding human rights--a case study / Mona Younis -- Transformational development as the key to housing rights / Steven Weir -- Human rights INGOs, the north-south gap : the challenge of normative and empirical learning / Bonny Ibhawoh -- Dilemmas facing INGOs in coalition-occupied Iraq / Lyal Sunga -- Human rights in action : supporting human rights work in authoritarian countries / Birgit Lindsnaes, Hans-Otto Sano, and Hatla Thelle -- Driving without a map : implementing legal projects in China aimed at improving human rights / Sophia Woodman -- Normative compliance and hard bargaining : China's strategies and tactics in response to international human rights criticism / Sun Zhe -- Defending economic, social and cultural rights : practical issues faced by an international human rights organization / Kenneth Roth -- Thinking through social and economic rights / Neera Chandhoke -- Amne,BL
پدیدآورنده : edited by Daniel A. Bell, Jean-Marc Coicaud. ,20090527
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

1242. The public health crisis survival guide
پدیدآورنده : / Joshua M. Sharfstein.,Sharfstein, Joshua M.,
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی دانشگاه علوم پزشكی اصفهان (اصفهان)
موضوع : Public Health Administration,Public Health Administration,Government Agencies,Health Policy,Safety Management,-- methods,-- trends,-- organization & administration,United States

1243. The public health quality improvement handbook /
پدیدآورنده : [compiled by] Ron Bialek, Grace L. Duffy, and John W. Moran
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Health services administration-- United States-- Quality control, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Medical care-- United States-- Quality control, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Public health-- United States-- Quality control, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Public Health Administration,Quality Assurance, Health Care,Quality of Health Care
رده :

1244. The public-private mix for health :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Alan Maynard ; foreword by John Wyn Owen.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Health planning-- Finance.,Health services administration.,Medical policy.,Cross-Cultural Comparison.,Delivery of Health Care.,Economics, Medical.,Health Policy.,Insurance, Health.,Politique sanitaire.,Santé publique-- Planification-- Finances.,Santé, Services de-- Administration.,Health planning-- Finance.,Health services administration.,Medical policy.
رده :

1245. The public-private mix for health :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Alan Maynard ; foreword by John Wyn Owen.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Health planning-- Finance.,Health services administration.,Medical policy.,Health planning-- Finance.,Health services administration.,Medical policy.
رده :

1246. The risk approach in health care
پدیدآورنده : / E.maurice backett,A. michael davies, angaele petros- barvazian
کتابخانه: کتابخانه پردیس بین المللی ارس دانشگاه تهران (آذربایجان شرقی)
موضوع : Maternal health services- administration,child health services -administration,pregancy-comlications
رده :

1247. The risk approach in health care: with special reference to maternal and child health ,including family planning
پدیدآورنده : E.maurice backett,A. michael davies, angaele petros- barvazian
کتابخانه: کتابخانه پردیس ابوریحان دانشگاه تهران (تهران)
موضوع : Maternal health services- administration,child health services -administration,pregancy-comlications

1248. The school services sourcebook /
پدیدآورنده : editors, Cynthia Franklin, Mary Beth Harris, Paula Allen-Meares.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : School children-- Mental health services, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,School social work, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Adolescent Health Services.,Child Health Services.,Mental Health Services.,School Health Services.,EDUCATION-- Administration-- General.,EDUCATION-- Organizations & Institutions.,School children-- Mental health services.,School social work.
رده :

1249. The social construction of public administration :
پدیدآورنده : Jong S. Jun ; foreword by Frank P. Sherwood.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Public administration-- Social aspects.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.,Public administration-- Social aspects.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Anthropology-- Cultural.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Popular Culture.
رده :

1250. The sociology and politics of healt
پدیدآورنده : / edited by Michael Purdy and David Banks
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی و مركز اسناد دانشگاه شهيد چمران (خوزستان)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Social medicine.,Medical policy--Social aspects,Medicine--Political aspects,Health Policy--Great Britain,Attitude to Health--Great Britain,Public Health Administration--Great Britain,State Medicine--Great Britain
رده :

1251. The sociology and politics of health
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی دانشگاه علوم پزشكی اصفهان (اصفهان)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Health Policy,State Medicine,Public Health Administration,Attitude to Health,Great Britain

1252. The sociology and politics of health
پدیدآورنده : / edited by Michael Purdy and David Banks
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی دانشگاه علوم پزشكی اصفهان (اصفهان)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Health Policy,State Medicine,Public Health Administration,Attitude to Health

1253. The sociology and politics of health :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Michael Purdy and David Banks.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Medical policy-- Social aspects.,Medicine-- Political aspects.,Social medicine.,Attitude to Health.,Health Policy.,Public Health Administration.,State Medicine.,Médecine-- Aspect politique.,Médecine sociale.,Politique sanitaire-- Aspect social.,Medical policy-- Social aspects.,Medicine-- Political aspects.,Social medicine.,United Kingdom., 2
رده :

1254. <The> sociology and politics of health
پدیدآورنده : / edited by Michael Purdy and David Banks
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی (تهران)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Health Policy,State Medicine,Public Health Administration,Attitude to Health,Great Britain
رده :

1255. <The> sociology and politics of health
پدیدآورنده : / edited by Michael Purdy and David Banks
کتابخانه: کتابخانه مرکز روانپزشکی رازی (تهران)
موضوع : National Health Service (Great Britain),Health Policy,State Medicine,Public Health Administration,Attitude to Health,Great Britain
رده :

1256. The state and pattern of health information technology adoption
پدیدآورنده : / Kateryna Fonkych, Roger Taylor
کتابخانه: کتابخانه مرکزی و مرکز اطلاع رسانی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی ره (اردبیل)
موضوع : Health services administration- Information technology,Medical care- Information technology,Public Health Informatics- trends,Medical Informatics Applications
رده :

1257. The technology explosion in medical science
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مركزی دانشگاه علوم پزشكی اصفهان (اصفهان)
موضوع : Technology assessment, Biomedical- Congresses,Technology- Trends- Congresses,Delivery of health care- Trends- Congresses,Medicine- Trends- Congresses
رده :

1258. The third ten years of the World Health Organization, 1968-1977.
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : World Health Organization-- History.,World Health Organization-- history,World Health Organization.,Public health-- International cooperation.,World health.,Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena,Delivery of Health Care.,Disciplines and Occupations,Environment and Public Health,Global Health.,Health Care Economics and Organizations,Health Occupations.,Health Services Administration.,Health.,International Agencies.,International Cooperation.,Internationality.,Medicine.,Organization and Administration.,Organizations.,Population Characteristics.,Public Health Administration.,Public Health.,Social Sciences.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Diseases-- General.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Health Care Issues.,MEDICAL-- Diseases.,MEDICAL-- Health Care Delivery.,MEDICAL-- Health Policy.,MEDICAL-- Public Health.,Public health-- International cooperation.,World health.
رده :

1259. The tracks we leave :
پدیدآورنده : Frankie Perry.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Managed care plans (Medical care)-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Medical ethics.,Ethics, Medical.,Managed Care Programs.,Health & Biological Sciences.,Managed care plans (Medical care)-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Medical Care Plans.,Medical ethics.,MEDICAL-- Health Risk Assessment.,Public Health.
رده :

1260. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
پدیدآورنده : James A. Keller.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :